Guarantee metal integrity in the manufacturing industry with Ultrasonic Testing.
Solutions for integrators and metal producers
Whether you are an Integrator of Ultrasound Testing machines or a Metal producer, TPAC can help you create value through a combination of broad hardware portfolio, a focus on integrability and a team of experts with a long experience in the development of Testing Machines to help you define and implement the solution you need.
Broad hardware portfolio: whether you need multi-channel conventional UT, conventional UT with broad dynamic range, Phased Array and High-speed TFM, TPAC has it.
At TPAC we are familiar with the daily challenges for Metal producers
Extreme temperatures and harsh environmental conditions in metallurgical processes can impact the effectiveness of UT equipment and require specialized solutions. To make your life easier, we focus on integrability,: small form factor of electronics, open-platform for software development, stackable electronics for applications requiring a high number of probes and channels. Integrating UT seamlessly into the metal production workflow while minimizing disruptions is also a key consideration for efficient quality control.
Our tailor -made support is essential in this industry. Metallurgical materials can indeedvariate greatly in properties and structure. Adapting our offer to accommodate such variability is a continual challenge for us. Whether you need to define a custom probe, define a new application method, upgrade an existing system, step up from one technology to another (conventional UT to Phased Array or Phased Array to TFM), develop your own software, our experts are on it!
To sum up , TPAC’s ultrasonic testing systems are a perfect versatile tool to ensure the quality, safety, and reliability of metallic materials and address the challenges related to complex geometry, surface conditions, environmental factors, material variability, and integration into production processes.