Surface Adaptive Total Focusing Method for Complex Geometry

Interview of Jens Meyer from University of Stuttgart

Inspecting an irregular or unknow surface with FMC/TFM


In this presentation, our Technical Application Manager, Jeremy Gaumer, talks about the benefits of using  Full Matrix Capture and Total Focusing Method (FMC/TFM) when inspecting complex geometries. He mentions several application examples, notably weld inspection. 

He then discusses Adaptive Plane Wave Imaging as a fast ultrasound technology for the inspection of irregular surfaces using the example of a 3.2m long plate. 

Full Matrix Capture
powerfull acquisition process

FMC – Data acquisition scheme

Fire on one element and receive on all elements. 

Fire each one individually and receive all each time for all the cycles. 

Receive a great number of A scans that can then be reconstructed. 

Total Focusing Method
outstanding image reconstrution

TFM – Post-processing imaging:   

Use a grid with a defined grid density.

Compute TFM by applying delay and sum at every point in the pixel grid. 

Run all of the raw A scan information through that algorithm.  

Estimate the surface with the interface echoes received by all elements LIVE .

What if the surface is unknown or irregular?

What will you need to do this inspection?  

The minimum equipment needed for the inspection of complex surfaces with FMC/TFM or Adaptive PWI consists of an Explorer doing the pulsing and receiving, a water wedge to conform itself to the curved surface, a probe, and a computer to do the imaging reconstructions (using a GPU).  

The Explorer line meets the requirements of your most demanding applications across all industries. It is the most versatile family of devices on the market for ultrasonic testing: Phased Array, FMC/TFM Advanced Imaging Techniques (PWI, PWI, PCI,…)


More about new imaging approaches in Ultrasonic NDT

Total Focusing Method is not only FMC/TFM, it is the tip of the iceberg in terms of imaging techniques. 

Check out Cyril Thibault’s presentation “New Imaging Approaches in Ultrasonic NDT”  to learn more about the potential of new imaging techniques in ultrasonic NDT:

Versatility –  High resolution imaging – Speed – Adaptability to real-world applications  

New Imaging Approaches in Ultrasonic NDT – TPAC – Unique In NDT (